meet Elliot J.

OH! Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks of his? And he was a great little baby. Truthfully, I think he was sort of into this whole modeling thing. Watch out mom and dad! And Sarah (Elliot's mama) made that little blanket down there. It says, "Eat Play Sleep Repeat". Now if that's not the cutest thing ever...... besides his sweet-cheeks of course.







Fortune Cookies said...

These are so good!!!! Sarah you look hot! And Elliott is adorable, as always. Geri, you did an awesome job!!

Erin said...

Once again love it! You are making me miss all the great people of California! Elliot is the cutest little boy!

mandyface said...

oh my gosh SO cute. chubby cheeks while drive me to pregnancy eventually lol

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

oh man. i must have one of these pretties for my very own. those eyes...

Emily Meyerhoffer said...

Such a cute little boy!

Come to Utah and take our picture :)

Bridget said...

GORGEOUS pictures

genevieve said...

The last picture (the one you posted on me and him) might be the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Great pictures!

Neal and Angie said...

Love it! You really do such an amazingly great job! I do want to squeeze those cheeks!