Elaine M. (but I call her Lainey)










Anonymous said...

Way way dang cute! Great work!

Jalene said...

such a cute girl! great job!

Brett and Kimberly said...

We just love love LOVE these pictures Geri. You are so talented. And could you have done a better job in capturing Lainey's cuteness? I submit that you could not have.

Lucy said...

that is one DARLING little girl. Such cute photos.

Kim-may said...

in 21 years, we should introduce her to mitchell. she is soooooooooooo cute.

Amy Worthington said...

I am in love with this girl and with your incredible skill to use lighting and make everyone look so great. Nice work Geri!

Kimberly June said...

She is too stinkin cute! Great portraits!

Unknown said...

she just makes me want to have a little girl even more :)
and you makes me want to be 1) a proffesional photographer or 2) a super model. haha
I think option 1 would be a little less impossible haha

Cassie said...

Little Lainey may be the cutest little girl I've ever seen! Great pics Geri.

Unknown said...

she is so adorable! the 1st one is my favorite

Emily Meyerhoffer said...

She is adorable!! Very good job!

Caley said...

Oh she is beautiful! These turned out great! Keep 'em coming!


Anonymous said...

she's so adoralbe! what a darling!


Julia Warren said...

These pictures are to die for. So precious.