Stephanie and Steve... and their little announcement

So Stephanie and Steve decided to get super creative when announcing their little bebe on the way. They approached me to do this "super-secret" photo shoot so they could send out a photo with their Christmas card to family and friends—from Steve and Steph and the little dude/lady on the way. How could I pass that up? Number one, they just shared their deep, dark secret with little ol me (such a sucker for secrets)! Number two, we're pals and I really like them. Number three, couples are my absolute fave to shoot.

And this session has a little bit of magic if I do say so myself. Wouldn't you say so?

I think it's the fact that they are giddy with excitement about their little surprise and you can see it in their faces. Yeah. That's probably it.














Marissa said...

♥ your photos, you're right about the magic, their smiles are infectious, i couldn't stop smiling while looking at these (which is weird b/c i am sitting at my office desk alone). ♥ your work.

Girl Meets Handbag

Unknown said...

Lovely shots. We had a shoot when our daughter was 5 weeks old. I was so tired, but so glad I did it because the photos are priceless!

Gabby / Gypsy*Diaries said...

Beautiful images girl! ;)Cheers from a fellow photographer (wannabe :)

Sarah said...

I admire these photo's so much!
Especially the beach background and all the colors. :]